Substance and alcohol use disorders can affect anyone, in any profession, in any country, and in any socioeconomic or ethnic group, wreaking havoc on life as a whole. Using substances or alcohol in a professional environment can lead to a whole host of ramifications, including profit loss for the company, safety hazards, legal problems, strained professional relationships, and much more. The damage to the individual, co-workers, and the business itself can prove devastating. The good news is that there are steps that companies and individuals can take to identify and prevent substance use in the workplace, and SBIRT Mississippi is here to share some helpful tips and solutions.
Signs of Drug or Alcohol Use in Adults
- Changes in behavior: Mood swings, aggressive behavior, difficulty concentrating, defensiveness, isolating self.
- Changes in performance: Frequent absences or lateness, missed deadlines, decreased productivity, unexplained disappearances during the work day, skipping meetings.
- Changes in appearance: Worsening hygiene, bloodshot eyes, tremors, weight loss, slurred or hyperactive speech, eye dilation.
Impacts of Using Substances or Alcohol in the Workplace
Every situation is unique but several common threads emerge when someone is using drugs or alcohol in the work environment. The individual in question usually decreases in work productivity and/or makes errors that result in the rest of the team being forced to pick up the slack. This usually results in a profit loss for the company. Many times, the individual’s behavior leads to lawsuits that the company must address, drawing even more time, money, and effort from leadership. Team dynamics change as the individual goes through mood swings, is absent or tardy, and acts defensively with co-workers and supervisors. Safety hazards may also exist, depending on the industry which can endanger everyone at the company. Oftentimes, individuals struggling with drugs or alcohol leave the company suddenly or are sent for treatment, incurring a costly turnover rate and necessitating additional costs for recruitment and training of new staff.
How Employers Can Help Combat Substance and Alcohol Use Disorders
When considering how to prevent substance abuse in the workplace, education is the first step. Everyone in the company should be aware of the common signs of substance abuse in the workplace and know exactly how to handle the situation if they suspect that a coworker might have an addiction problem. Employers can help by implementing a training specific to identifying signs of substance or alcohol use, as well as providing consistent access to SBIRT and other other methods of assessing and supporting anyone struggling with a substance or alcohol use disorder. It’s important to create a supportive environment where everyone feels safe to seek help in a non-judgemental company culture. Employers can also provide counseling and other forms of support for substance use and mental health issues as a method of prevention.
One such valuable resource is SBIRT which is a tool for addressing substance or alcohol use in professional settings in Mississippi. It is a free, online, easy way to quickly assess if someone is struggling with drugs or alcohol and provides a framework for early intervention and treatment. SBIRT also connects individuals to nearby Mississippi treatment centers for substance or alcohol use and can determine which type of treatment center is best for each individual’s specific needs. Learn more about the SBIRT assessment now with a click!