What to Expect from Drug Withdrawal and Detox

If you have been struggling with substance use and are seeking treatment, congratulations! You’ve taken the first step and you’re one step closer to a healthier version of yourself! Yet, you may be wondering what to expect next, what detox might look like, and where to receive the treatment you’re seeking. You’re in the right place!

SBIRT has a totally free, completely online, fast service to help you determine the best type of treatment for you, as well as identify nearby local treatment centers that are qualified and experienced to meet your specific substance use disorder treatment needs. With just a click, you can have all this information at your fingertips! In the meantime, we’re also here to shed some light on what to expect during the detox and withdrawal phase of treatment

Understanding Substance Use Disorder Detox

Overcoming substance use disorder is no small feat but you can do it! With the right support and treatment, your journey to healing can be successful and long-lasting. The initial part of treatment includes discontinuing substance use which initiates the detox phase of recovery (detoxification).

Detox is the first part of your healing journey and this is best done while under the care of a mental health and medical team to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and manage any mental health issues that may arise. This is when your body will be eliminating the substance toxins and your mind will be navigating cravings and psychological drug withdrawal, so having a comprehensive treatment plan and a supportive team is essential. Medical supervision will ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during withdrawal and medications may be used to minimize discomfort and mitigate potential health risks. Detox varies for each person and can last from several days to weeks. 

Understanding Withdrawal from Substance Use

When stopping substance use (or reducing substance use significantly), you can expect to go through withdrawal. Your body will have certain reactions to no longer having the substance because it has become accustomed to the presence of it. Symptoms can begin anywhere from hours to days after you stop using. The length of time you can expect to feel these symptoms depends on a variety of factors such as how long you’ve used, the specific substance, and factors specific to you such as age, gender, tolerance, general health, etc.

Physical symptoms of withdrawal can include tremors, sweating, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, increased heart rate, and more. The severity of how you experience these physical symptoms depends on the substance and the extent of dependence. You may also experience psychological symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, irritability, cravings, and depression. 

Drug withdrawal is an important and essential part of the healing process but it can prove to be difficult and dangerous. As such, it’s always important to have a supportive treatment team on your side when you undergo detox and withdrawal. In some cases, withdrawal can be life-threatening, and having consistent medical attention for the duration of your detox can save your life. In other cases, the psychological symptoms can lead you to want to give up or feel overwhelmed and helpless. Having a psychological treatment team on your side can help you navigate these feelings successfully, encouraging you, giving you hope, and ultimately guiding you through to health and recovery. 

Treatment Center for Substance Use Near Me

To discover what type of treatment program may be best for you and to locate nearby local substance use disorder treatment facilities, take SBIRT’s fast, free, and easy online assessment. Take the first step toward recovery today with just a click. You’re not alone, we are here for you!